How to get ammo and medicine for your camp in Red Dead Redemption 2
You’ll be spending a lot of time with your camp in Red Dead Redemption 2, and your gang members will expect you to contribute your share.There are four ways of helping out around camp. You can help by delivering game and pelts you collect when out hunting, you can share cash from completed jobs, you can increase medicine stocks, and you can hand over ammunition.
Handing over cash is as simple as walking to the cash box and choosing the option to share money. Select the amount and you’re away.

Medicine and ammo aren’t quite as obvious, however. To contribute these, you must open the ledger which is located besides the cash box. From there, choose an upgrade for your ammo and medicine stocks to get better goods from them.
There’s also an option to replenish the stocks in exchange for cash – choose those to get your ammo and medicine indicators out of the red.