It covers a lot of ground and biomes – from remote wilderness shacks to
bustling cities, foggy swamps and dusty deserts to snowy peaked
mountains. It even has a few surprises you probably weren’t expecting to
see at all.
What follows could be considered spoilers if you
want to unlock the map as you play, but for those curious, let’s split
it down and talk about the regions and locations, and some of the things
you’ll find there.
You’ll start your journey in The Grizzlies – the
snow capped mountains up to the north of the map. It’s cold here, so
Arthur needs to wear his winter coats and keep himself and his horse
well fed. It’s tough going too, with the thick snow making it hard to
move quickly and pick out paths through the trees. It’s also one of the
most beautiful spots in the game, especially when the full moon is
bright during the night.
Down at the bottom of the mountain is Valentine, the
first town you visit, complete with a Gunsmith, saloon, butcher and
sherif’s office. This is where you learn your basic skills and first
side quests in Red Dead Redemption 2.
Staying in the north, the eastern side of the map is more densely populated with towns like Annesburg and Van Horn on the coast. Van Horn is a trading post so it’s rich pickings if you’ve got a lot of cash to spare. You’ll also see Fort Wallace
which is central on the map. You don’t want to approach that place
unless the story demands as it’s heavily armed and fortified.
The south west of the map has two very significant locations. You’ll hear a lot of talk about Blackwater
from Arthur and the rest of the Van Der Linde gang, and it’s a major
plot point for the majority of the game. Much further south west is Armadillo, which you’ll remember from the first Red Dead Redemption. If you want to compare the town in the the two games, we have a video exploring just that. Just to the south you’ll see Rhodes, where you’ll have a great time serving moonshine in a local saloon.
In the south east of the map you’ll find Saint Denis.
This is the largest city in the game, and home to, well, everything.
You’ll be taken here during the story, and it’s also the place to find
the Trapper to make unique outfits. To the west of Saint Denis is the
bayou Lemoyne. Lemoyne is perhaps the most unique
location on the map, and it’s home to crocs and a few outlaws if you’re
tracking down Gunslingers.
How long does it take to travel across the map?
What an in-game look at the map? Arekkz has you covered. This video
takes not only a look at the map, but he rides from one side of it to
the other. It should give you a good idea of its size. You can also fast travel in Red Dead Redemption 2, but where’s the fun in that?